Private Passenger Automobile Physical Damage

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Generally we are looking to write non-standard auto's such as those with high values, antiques etc. but we can consider the more usual type of car which has found it's way into the Surplus Lines arena - perhaps due to the age or poor driving record of the owner.

The information considered important is as requested in the attached Questionnaire. London Underwriters are usually concerned about who will be driving the auto and generally apply a Driver Endorsement limiting coverage only to those individuals named. Cover is as set out in the Lloyd's form N.M.A. 1650 and quotations will always require a fully completed proposal form and satisfactory M.V.R.'s. An independent appraisal or bill of sale and/or photographs are sometimes considered necessary. Our preferred proposal form (N.M.A. 1652 - amended) is enclosed.

"Synthetic" fleets for company car owners can be considered as well as show or exhibition cars and even off–track racing cars.

Vehicles used for restricted mileages (say, less than 2,500 miles or so) will qualify for cheaper premiums and in such cases a Witnessed Mileage Statement (as enclosed) will be required.


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